This little venture of mine started out of boredom during the height of the global pandemic. While running my gaming community, we saw a spike in people who were creatives, such as my self, sharing their amazing work. It inspired me to have a separate group for them to share their work and discuss their crafts.
It took a while, but settled on the name “Vice Creators” because I wanted to have it tied loosely to the gaming community. And the fact of the matter is that most digital creators are also gamers. So it made sense.
The website you’re looking at now was initially built to serve that community. But unfortunately, the group lost some key support members and was no longer able to sustain itself. So priorities shifted for me, and I could no longer pour into the group the way I wanted to.
I did create a webpage for it, which currently borrows from the website with it’s use of structured #html, #css, and #javascript.

However, the group still exists. And there are a few loyal members who still frequently chat there. So, feel free to stop by if you’re on #discord and say hi!
Github: coming soon