I had the pleasure of working on an on project involving pulling health provider data from Kyruus #API using #Javascript to build a little search engine. At the time of me writing this, it is completely outside of the scope of my current role with my employer. But I took the project one with no problem because I love this stuff.
I had never worked with a closed API before, so getting setup was a challenge since the process involved a lot of back-and-forth emails and roadblocks in terms of getting the proper access to documentation. But once it was all settled, I was pretty amazed at much I could do with their API.
I was able to build this quickly and use it quickly to display how the unified search feature worked. This is ultimately a part of a much larger project that i'm working on involving #Drupal integration.
Github: https://github.com/MrHowardCodes/kyruus-search-thingy/